During the summer months, families enrolled in SunBucks will receive cards to buy groceries

Such as Summer Food Meal Sites, Seamless Summer and WIC, ensuring children and their families have reliable access to essential nutrition during the summer months.

New Mexico Early Childhood Education

New Mexico Public Education Department

New Mexico Department of Health

Quick Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I Eligible?

• Aqua Category:  School-aged children who currently participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and in some cases Medicaid (not all categories of Medicaid qualify) are eligible for SunBucks.  You should receive a notice from HSD informing you that you qualify. [7 CFR 292.6]

• Teal Category:  School-aged children who are Homeless/Runaway, Foster, Migrant, and Head Start are eligible for SunBucks.  You should receive a notice from your School District that you qualify. [7 CFR 292.6]

• If school-aged children who do not fall under the Aqua or Teal Categories, who are enrolled in a currently participating NSLP/SBP school (public or private) may be deemed eligible for SunBucks EBT if the household meets the income threshold level at or below 185% of the Federal Poverty Level, and by applying through the SunBucks EBT Application. [7 CFR 292.6]

How can I get SunBucks? 

Your school-aged child is AUTOMATICALLY ENROLLED, and you do not need to do anything to receive SunBucks if:

• Aqua Category: School-aged children who currently participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and in some cases Medicaid (not all categories of Medicaid qualify) are eligible. You should receive a notice from HSD informing you that you are automatically enrolled into SunBucks. Because these children are automatically enrolled you do not have to do anything more to participate in SunBucks. [7 CFR 292.6]

• Teal Category: School-aged children who are Homeless/Runaway, Foster, Migrant, and Head Start are eligible. You should receive a notice from your school district informing you that you are automatically enrolled into SunBucks. Because these children are automatically enrolled you do not have to do anything more to participate in SunBucks. Check on your status here. Contact your school district to check your child’s status as a Homeless/Runaway, Foster, Migrant, and Head Start. [7 CFR 292.6]

You MUST APPLY to participate in SunBucks if:
If your child does not fall into the Aqua or Teal Categories and is enrolled in a currently participating NSLP/SBP school (public or private).  You may qualify for SunBucks if the household meets the income threshold level at or below 185% of the Federal Poverty Level.  [7 CFR 292.6]

Do I need to apply for SunBucks?

Your school-aged child is AUTOMATICALLY ENROLLED in SunBucks and you do NOT need to apply if:

• Aqua Category: School-aged children who currently participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and in some cases Medicaid (not all categories of Medicaid qualify) are eligible. You should receive a notice from HSD informing you that you qualify. Because these children are automatically enrolled you do not have to do anything more to enroll. Check on your status here. [7 CFR 292.6]

• Teal Category: School-aged children who are Homeless/Runaway, Foster, Migrant, and Head Start are eligible. You should receive a notice from your School District that you qualify. Because these children are automatically enrolled you do not have to do anything more to enroll. Contact your school district to check your child’s status as a Homeless/Runaway, Foster, Migrant, and Head Start. [7 CFR 292.6]

You MUST apply to participate in SunBucks EBT if:
• If your child does not fall into the Aqua or Teal Categories and is enrolled in a currently participating NSLP/SBP school (public or private). You may qualify for SunBucks EBT if the household meets the income threshold level at or below 185% of the Federal Poverty Level. [7 CFR 292.6]

Are children who are not enrolled in a currently participating NSLP/SBP school eligible for SunBucks? 

It depends.

Automatically Enrolled – Category Group Aqua:
School-aged children who currently participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and in some cases, Medicaid (not all categories of Medicaid qualify) are eligible and are automatically enrolled in SunBucks. You should receive a notice from HSD informing you that you qualify. Because these children are automatically enrolled you do not have to do anything more to enroll. Check your status here.

Automatically Enrolled – Category Group Teal:
School-aged children who are Homeless/Runaway, Foster, Migrant, and Head Start are eligible and are automatically enrolled in Sunbucks. You should receive a notice from your School District that you qualify. Because these children are automatically enrolled you do not have to do anything more to enroll. Contact your school district to check your child’s status as a Homeless/Runaway, Foster, Migrant, and Head Start.

School-aged children who do not qualify under the Aqua or Teal groups, and do NOT attend a school that is actively participating under NSLP/SBP cannot establish their SunBucks EBT eligibility by completing a Sunbucks EBT Application. [7 CFR 292.6]

What is the age range for Summer EBT eligibility?

• Children of any age who are enrolled in NSLP/SBP-participating schools are eligible for Summer EBT if they are also eligible for free or reduced price school meals. This includes children of high school grade or under, including preschool-age children, as well as students who are mentally or physically disabled, as defined by the State, and who are participating in a school program established for the mentally or physically disabled.

Children not enrolled in NSLP/SBP-participating schools who are certified through streamlined certification must be school age. For the purpose of streamlined certification, school-age means the years in which a child is required to attend school, or an equivalent program as defined by State or Tribal law. This is also known as the age requirement for compulsory education. [7 CFR 292.2 “School aged”] [7 CFR 292.6] [N.M. Code R. § 8.106.430.9]

What does school-aged mean for Summer EBT?

• For Summer EBT, school aged means the years in which a child is required to attend school. This is also known as the age range for compulsory education.
Summer EBT is intended for children who are missing out on school meals during the summer, and children of compulsory age is the most accurate proxy for children who are enrolled in school. Children enrolled in NSLP schools who are not within the compulsory age range may still be streamline certified using administrative data (for example, data from school meal applications), meaning that eligible NSLP children will not lose access to Summer EBT based on age.

The compulsory age requirement only applies to children who are streamline certified without matching to NSLP records. Regardless of the compulsory age range, Summer EBT agencies have to collect data for all eligible children attending NSLP schools including through Summer EBT applications.

Please note that the school cutoff date does not impact SEBT eligibility for streamlined cert. If a child is categorically eligible and within the age range at any point during the period of eligibility they should get the benefit. [7 CFR 292.2 “School aged”; 7 CFR 292.6] [N.M. Code R. § 8.106.430.9]

Can children enrolled at NSLP/SBP schools who are older or younger than the age of compulsory school attendance participate in Summer EBT?

Yes, children of any age who are enrolled in NSLP/SBP-participating schools are eligible to participate in Summer EBT if they are categorically eligible, or reside in a household with an income level at or below 185% of the Federal Poverty Level and complete an NSLP/SBP application or a Summer EBT application. [7 CFR 292.5; 7 CFR 292.6]

For children who are not enrolled in NSLP/SBP-participating schools, but can be streamline certified through participation in SNAP, TANF, FDPIR, or Medicaid (as applicable), what is the timing of program participation to be eligible for Summer EBT?

In order to be eligible for Summer EBT, non-NSLP/SBP children must be school age at the time of participation in the eligible program, and have participated in that program at some point during the most recent school year or during the summer. This is consistent with eligibility in the NSLP/SBP which, once established, is effective for the entire school year. [7 CFR 292.6; 7 CFR 292.7; 7 CFR 292.12(d)] [N.M. Code R. § 8.106.430.9]

Can States set an age threshold for streamlined certification of non-NSLP children that includes children older and/or younger than the State’s age of compulsory school attendance?

No. The compulsory age of school attendance aligns with individual State or ITO requirements for school enrollment. Issuing benefits to all children of compulsory school age who can be streamline certified simplifies the identification of children who are most likely to be enrolled in school and without access to school meals during summer break.

However, eligible children younger or older than the compulsory age of attendance who are enrolled in an NSLP/SBP school will still be enrolled in Summer EBT through school-level eligibility data or, if their eligibility for Summer EBT has not already been established, using a Summer EBT application. Children of any age who are enrolled in an NSLP/SBP school and meet eligibility requirements for free and reduced price school meals are eligible to receive Summer EBT. This includes children in pre-kindergarten programs and children older than 18 who are enrolled in the NSLP/SBP school. [7 CFR 292.5; 7 CFR 292.6]

Will all children who attend a CEP/P2 school be automatically enrolled in Summer EBT (i.e., be issued benefits without the need to apply)? 

No. In order to be eligible for Summer EBT benefits, children must be individually determined to be eligible for free or reduced price school meal benefits during the instructional year immediately preceding the summer operational period or during the summer operational period. Children enrolled in CEP/P2 schools who are not otherwise identified as Summer EBT eligible through streamlined certification may apply for Summer EBT benefits using a Summer EBT Application. This is different from Pandemic EBT where all children in special provision schools were eligible for benefits.

Will PED need to confirm that children on Summer EBT applications are enrolled in NSLP/SBP schools?

Yes. Summer EBT agencies must confirm enrollment in an NSLP/SBP school for all children who are certified for benefits based on a Summer EBT application. [7 CFR 292.12(e)(2)]

What programs can be used to automatically enroll eligible children in Summer EBT through streamlined certification without matching against school enrollment? 

• Aqua Category: SNAP must be used to automatically enroll children in Summer EBT. School-aged children who currently participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and in some cases Medicaid (not all categories of Medicaid qualify) are eligible. You should receive a notice from HSD informing you that you are automatically enrolled into SunBucks. Because these children are automatically enrolled you do not have to do anything more to participate in SunBucks. Check on your status here.

• Teal Category: School-aged children who are Homeless/Runaway, Foster, Migrant, and Head Start are eligible. You should receive a notice from your school district informing you that you are automatically enrolled into SunBucks. Because these children are automatically enrolled you do not have to do anything more to participate in SunBucks.

You MUST APPLY to participate in SunBucks if:
If your child does not fall into the Aqua or Teal Categories and is enrolled in a currently participating NSLP/SBP school (public or private).  You may qualify for SunBucks if the household meets the income threshold level at or below 185% of the Federal Poverty Level. 

When will children on Summer EBT applications be checked against the NSLP-enrollment in order to confirm eligibility?

In order to be eligible for Summer EBT, NSLP/SBP-participating children must be enrolled in the school at the time of application approval (i.e., certification). Therefore, the enrollment check should occur at the time of application. Once eligibility is established, the child is eligible for the entire Summer EBT period of eligibility. [7 CFR 292.6]

When will children on Summer EBT applications be checked against the NSLP-enrollment in order to confirm eligibility?

In order to be eligible for Summer EBT, NSLP/SBP-participating children must be enrolled in the school at the time of application approval (i.e., certification). Therefore, the enrollment check should occur at the time of application. Once eligibility is established, the child is eligible for the entire Summer EBT period of eligibility. [7 CFR 292.6]

When will children on Summer EBT applications be checked against the NSLP-enrollment in order to confirm eligibility?

In order to be eligible for Summer EBT, NSLP/SBP-participating children must be enrolled in the school at the time of application approval (i.e., certification). Therefore, the enrollment check should occur at the time of application. Once eligibility is established, the child is eligible for the entire Summer EBT period of eligibility. [7 CFR 292.6]

I completed a USDA National School Lunch Free and Reduced Application (FRL) for my household this year, should I apply for SunBucks online?

Yes, we strongly encourage anyone who completed an FRL Application earlier this year to still apply online.  Your FRL Application was submitted to the school at the beginning of the school year.  It’s possible the information you provided nearly a year ago may have changed.  We want to make sure we have the most up-to-date information on file to determine if your student qualifies for SunBucks.  However, please note, that you do NOT have to apply if your child falls into the Aqua or Teal Categories, as they are automatically enrolled in SunBucks.

When can I apply online for SunBucks EBT Benefits? 

Our online SunBucks Application is open from February 15 through August 15. 

What happens if I run into trouble when applying for SunBucks online?

Call New Mexico Public Education’s Summer EBT Hotline at (505) 695-8454 to speak with a NM PED Summer EBT Representative Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

How can I opt out of SunBucks? 

There is a section where you can opt-out via the online application. 

I already submitted my SunBucks Application online, and I realized I made a mistake, can I go back and fix it? 

Once the Application is submitted, you cannot change your submission.  Call New Mexico Public Education’s Summer EBT Hotline at (505) 695-8454 to speak with a NM PED Summer EBT Representative Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

I completed my SunBucks Application online, but was not given a decision if my children qualify for SunBucks EBT. 

Applying online for SunBucks does not immediately determine if your children qualify for SunBucks.  It takes our team two weeks to process your application.  Please wait two weeks before following up.

It is has been more than two weeks since I have submitted my application for SunBucks online, who can I follow up with?

Call New Mexico Public Education’s Summer EBT Hotline at (505) 695-8454 to speak with a NM PED Summer EBT Representative Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5:00 p.m.